Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Today is MY DAY. The sun is shining and the weatherman predicts 101 deg for the day. I can't complain. We've experienced harrowing hours watching Irene rip across states leaving death and destruction. My day has seen disasters and accidents in the past:  Katrina six years ago,the flooding of the Delaware River while we were in New York (one of several times in early 2000) and Diana's accident.  Death, destruction and happiness rolled into the last of August.

I came into the world to two hard-working people who lived in Jackson, Mississippi.. Mother was 19 and Daddy 21. They had been married 13  months. I'm not sure my appearance was a good omen or not, because I remember nothing of my childhood but their struggles and their attempts to keep me happy while shielding me from the poverty of the Depression years. From the moment I was able to talk about birthday,  they asked me what I wanted for my gift. I replied, "A pink dress with two pockets." I didn't get that dress until I was10 years old. It was probably on lay-away for  months. Thanks Mom and Dad for rearing me in hard times.

 Happy Birthday to me. Thank you family and friends for remembering an aging creature who appreciates her life.

Above is me at aged 7 or 8 in a flowered dress made by Mother,carrying a purse with a Kleenex inside.
 I felt so grown up that day.

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