Sunday, May 25, 2008


We have some beautiful photos taken by second son several years ago of people and scenes of Myranmar, or Burma, as I remember it. The former is the original name. Perhaps the English renamed it when they inhabited the area. So much destruction in that peninsula of a country! I want to share some of the beauty.

Today we don't know what is and isn't. Gone are the houses on stilts, the fishermen, many of the elderly. Looking into faces of the destitute we don't see color and beauty, only sadness. Sometimes the only memories of a place are found in photographs taken in happier times.


CountryCouture said...

In the spirit of dwelling on happy thoughts and fun times, here is a link to a photo of yummy dewberries. I'm sure you have picked these in Mississippi, but probably just called them by another name. They grow along fence lines on a prickly thick cane. Dewberries aren't quite as large, juicy, and sweet as native blackberries. They esp. like to grow along the edge of pine trees. I do have some native, wild blackberries as well. They are clustered closer together on a bush, which often trails along the fence.
Please post some picks of your NY cabin, writer! You could always freeze a few of your blueberries at a time, although no cobbler is complete without BlueBell. Do they have it in NY?
I don't bother w/ a crust. The kids mix sugar, flour, butter, egg, and almond extract and then just drop generous dollops of batter on top of the berries.

Viv said...

Ooh, Country Couture, that pie crust is soo easy. I'll have to try it. The berries surrounding the cabin are hidden by the lush foliage that grows close to the ground. The fruit is so tiny and sparse on the growth, that you are lucky to get a handful on a morning's pickings. We use them in our cereal, as pie making is not a finished product we can manage on a camp stove! As for Blue Bell, I haven't seen that lucious ice cream in the small town stores. There are lots of unfamiliar groceries that I
am still learning about.

Picks of the cabin coming up....